Who we are.
We are a group of artists from different countries, cultures and languages who share a love for creativity and the universal language of art, which everyone can enjoy and understand. Our core values, ethos and principles. We believe in openness, transparency, support and equal power – no hierarchy. We want to give opportunity to anyone to participate as well as, learn from, inspire and give power to each other and reflect these values to others. Through our example, we aim to give confidence to people to engage with their communities, overcoming barriers of culture and language. Why art is important to us. Art is not important just to us, but for everyone. Art brings people together. Even though we come from different backgrounds and languages, we share the language of art. We want to share different views and expressions of our feeling, heritage, memory and identity. It's an easy way to express feelings, and a way of communication and to tell a story, either sad or happy... connecting like the fingers on a hand. Art reflects what we are thinking of, what we grew up from and into, what we want, and what we love. Why we are an art collective. We believe in sticking together, caring about each other, becoming closer and more connected. We treat each other as equals, sharing our skills and capabilities for each other’s benefit. We want to show others in our communities that a lot can be achieved in this way. We believe in the power of collectivism to make change, not only to ourselves but to our surroundings. |