Sam Harp“Everybody has got art in them somehow.”
Sam is from Palestine which is reflected through his art, by portraying belonging to Palestine, as Palestine belongs to him. Sam uses and creates a range of art, such as painting, calligraphy and sculptures, therefore not limiting himself to a specific form, due to him seeing it as important for artists to vary in their work and not corner themselves.
His art does not always reflect refugee experiences, however sometimes does, such as creating art based on individuals from the Windrush generation. Sam views art as a form of therapy as it makes him feel relaxed, calm and happy when creating it. Sam also sees art as a way of connecting people from different countries and acting as an icebreaker, which links to the unity of art through being involved in BRAC. Sam has been involved in BRAC for three years and enjoys the variety of work produced through BRAC, from artists from different backgrounds. BRAC has been a good experience for Sam, however it was harder during lockdown, due to it being better to produce work in a physical environment in the workshop. |