Sana Elgoraish"We are civilians as we are artists.”
Sana’s art largely reflects her Sudanese identity, and she wants to focus on the toob; a type of dress specifically for Sudanese women. Different toobs are worn depending on the occasion, and Sana wishes to design evening-style toobs in the future as a business, allowing her to channel this passion and hobby for design through a career. Fabric and embroidery are the main mediums of Sana’s art, reflected through her communication of the identity of Sudanese women through her artwork and her focus on the toob.
Sana’s introduction to art was accidental: whilst her children were in nursery, she discovered art in her spare time and was offered a space in the nursery to pursue it, which was the first time in her life she had used art. For Sana, art is a form of enjoyment but also relaxation, and not just through the creation of her art. Speaking about it and being able to share it with people, particularly within BRAC, is relaxing as it differs from her normal work and helps her as a hobby. Sana views sharing her work as a way of portraying herself and BRAC as artists and civilians, not just as refugees. Sana has been in BRAC for around 3 years, and her art has progressed and improved through her time at BRAC, especially having not studied art prior. Sana views Bristol as a welcoming and friendly place, and encourages others in the community to join BRAC. |